Monday, April 6, 2009

Experiment 2

"In my opinion the ability to integrate cloning into the food production line should be allowed to farmers nowadays."
-Keith Campbell

Poulter, S. (2007) 'We should farm clones animals says Dolly expert', Daily Mail, 11 July, p. 1.

"What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on."
-Jacques Yves Cousteau

Anon (2008) 'Jacques Yves Cousteau Famous Quotes, Sayings, Height, Biography, History, Quotations, Philosophy, Wisdom Quotes, Polls' [Online] Avaliable:
[6 Apr 2009]

"And what in our time would fit under the headline "Important Events"? The 10 billion suns moving in the astral bubble we call the Milky Way would be ashamed of their smallness where they conscious of the whole scope of the universe"
-Alfred Nobel

Fant, K. (2006), "Alfred Nobel A Biography", New York: Arcade Publishing

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